After driving 2 hours, we reached Strasbourg, but we didn't actually know where we were going. Every city has a center or an old part of the town. That's the place we always look for. We drove around and around and after about 20 minutes of seeing sights like this, I was griping at Tyler saying why am I not walking around in this! :) We finally found a parking garage and set out on foot. It was like a dream. I was in France, walking down a French street, hearing the beautiful French language all around me.
After the palace, we were both in need of food so we started looking for a place to eat. This was another crucial part of the France experience. When you think of dining in France, what do you think of? I think of an open cafe with lots of tables crowded together and music floating in the air from somewhere in the city. You may laugh at my image, but we found a place just like it! We found the Cafe Rohan and sat down to our first French dining experience. It took awhile to order (we're still getting used to the slower pace of the Europeans sometimes) but in the meantime we were entertained. A few cafes down, there was a woman walking around playing some beautiful flute music. (music..check!) But there was also an older gentleman dressed up as Charlie Chaplin doing a routine right by our table. It was very amusing...the first time around. After the third go around, it lost its charm. Still added to the experience though! Our food was delicious by the way. I ordered a pizza and Tyler ordered the salmon. Both were very yummy!
After lunch, we headed off to the boat tours. We figured it would be the best way to see more of the city without walking so much. The boat had head phones and a recoreded tour to tell you what you were looking at. Its nice that everywhere we went, English was an option! Unfortunately we didn't get may pictures because our boat had a plastic top which was a little annoying. Still a good way to see the city though.At the end of the tour, I was ready for my last French treat....a CREPE! I've only ever had one (here in Kaiserslautern) and I was ready for a real crepe from France. The chocolate crepe was amazing! Everything I wanted it to be. And the perfect accessory while strolling through the shops.
Strasbourg was such a wonderful city. It was a spure of the moment trip; but it was my favorite one so far! I have officially been to France now.